A Quality Integrated Passenger Transport Service Based on Modern Technology
A Quality Integrated Passenger Transport Service Based on Modern Technology
To Manage, Regulate and Effectively Direct the Public Passenger Transport Service in the Central Province to Provide an Efficient, Comfortable, Safe, Environmental Friendly and Dignified Transportation System with Modern Technology to the Passenger.
The Central Province Transport Services Authority (CP-TSA) has been set up under the provisions of the 13th Amendment
to the Constitution of devolving power to the Provincial Councils and under the Provincial Status No.03 of 2018. It is
empowered to regulate bus transport within the Central Province. This includes the issues of bus permits, managing routes,
precreation of time tables, managing terminals etc.
The consultancy for the Transitional Bus Operations during the construction of the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal (KMTT) is a 30-month project funded by the World Bank, commencing on April 1, 2024. The project, with a consultancy fee of Rs. 303,562,500.00, aims to maintain and enhance bus operations, manage temporary terminals, and implement strategic traffic and safety interventions to ensure seamless public transport in Kandy during the transition period.The consultancy for the Transitional Bus Operations during the construction of the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal (KMTT) is a 30-month project funded by the World Bank, commencing on April 1, 2024.